visual coach
“Tim became my visual coach. He fully supported me in the process of creating, choosing and letting go. He gave me the motivating push to choose the name OXYO.
Vanessa wanted to upgrade the Zing je Vrij website and shape her spiritual coaching method. Vanessa's intuition and confidence brought her to Tim at the right time. She challenged Tim to first come and experience for himself what Zing je vrij is.
“I intuitively felt that I needed to go to Tim to upgrade my website and design. I decided to follow that feeling and invited him to experience what I do for himself. That became a studio play meets Sing Your Free session. As you can imagine, that was a challenge for Tim, he took it all in and that's how the collaboration was a fact.”
“My method is widely applicable for both business and personal growth. Tim helped me identify my talent and translate it into a business and spiritual appearance. He understood exactly what I wanted and that flowed very naturally.”
“During the studio play sessions, it became clear what I am in business and what I have to bring. My talent became clear and that's how we translated my spiritual approach to business. I really liked the mood boards. It was so beautiful what Tim made and very true for me.”
“I found Tim to be very open, involved and enthusiastic. He surprised me with his tailored and fine-tuned proposals. That gave me enormous inspiration.”
“I took my company to the next level, partly because of Tim's contribution. My new website and design have already brought me next level customers, and I am very happy with that.”